Author: Rumtoo Plastic Recycling Machine

Rumtoo Plastic Recycling Machinery, we understand the importance of finding the right equipment to maximize the efficiency and sustainability of your plastic recycling operations. As a leader in high-quality PP/PE film recycling solutions, our machines are designed for:- Easy operation and maintenance - Reasonable pricing - Comprehensive documentation and prompt after-sales support from our experienced engineering teamIn addition to our recycling machinery, we offer complimentary product design services to provide customized production solutions that enhance productivity and environmental friendliness. By contributing to energy conservation, emission reduction, and green economic growth, we aim to drive innovation for a better quality of life.Our diverse product range includes: - Plastic recycling line - Pelletizing line - Shredders - Crushers - Baler Machine - Compaction granulation systems - Injection molding machines - Film extruders

Déchiqueteuses industrielles : Machines puissantes pour la gestion efficace des matériaux

Un broyeur industriel de haute qualité conçu pour un traitement efficace des matériaux. Le broyeur présente une construction robuste de couleur blanche et verte, avec une grande trémie d'alimentation pour faciliter le chargement des matériaux. La machine est équipée d'un moteur puissant et d'un mécanisme de coupe robuste, logés dans un cadre solide avec des portes de maintenance accessibles. Ce broyeur est idéal pour les applications industrielles telles que le recyclage et la gestion des déchets. Il offre de hautes performances et une grande fiabilité dans le traitement de différents types de matériaux.

Les déchiqueteuses industrielles sont des machines puissantes spécialement conçues pour traiter de grands volumes de matériaux, les réduisant en pièces plus petites et plus gérables pour l’élimination ou une utilisation ultérieure. Elles jouent un rôle crucial dans la gestion des déchets, le recyclage et diverses opérations de fabrication dans de nombreux secteurs. Voici un examen approfondi de leur finalité et de leurs méthodes opérationnelles :

Extrudeuses à double vis corotatives à haute performance

Une extrudeuse à deux vis co-rotatives très performante. La machine se caractérise par une conception longue et horizontale avec plusieurs zones de chauffage, une grande trémie pour l'alimentation des matériaux en haut, et un puissant moteur à l'extrémité. L'extrudeuse est conçue pour un traitement efficace et cohérent de divers matériaux, ce qui la rend idéale pour des applications industrielles telles que le compoundage, le mélange et le recyclage des matières plastiques. La construction robuste et la technologie avancée de l'extrudeuse garantissent un rendement élevé et une grande fiabilité.

Introduction :

Débloquez le plein potentiel de vos applications industrielles avec Rumtoo, un fabricant chinois de premier plan connu pour nos extrudeuses à double vis en rotation. Notre expérience extensive et notre technologie innovante répondent à divers secteurs, notamment les plastiques, les produits chimiques et la production alimentaire.

Pourquoi choisir les extrudeuses à double vis de Rumtoo ?

1. Applications polyvalentes :

Nos extrudeuses à double vis excellent dans divers secteurs tels que les plastiques, les produits chimiques, le compoundage, les revêtements en poudre, les industries alimentaires et les composites bois-plastique. Cette polyvalence repousse les limites de la production et de l’innovation.

2. Caractéristiques techniques avancées :

  • Conception modulaire : Nos vis et cylindres suivent un principe de construction par blocs, permettant une personnalisation et des mises à niveau faciles.
  • Série haute performance : Notre série RTM va de modèles de 20mm à 200mm, chacun avec différentes vitesses de rotation et classes de couple pour répondre à vos besoins de production spécifiques.
  • Unités de plastification et de compoundage améliorées : Avec des éléments de vis étroitement imbriqués pour un auto-nettoyage supérieur et une interchangeabilité, nos extrudeuses garantissent une performance et une flexibilité optimales.

3. Système de transmission de puissance exceptionnel :

Expérimentez une fiabilité sans précédent avec notre système avancé de distribution de couple. Nos extrudeuses présentent un meulage précis des dents d’engrenage durcies, des roulements de haute qualité importés et un système de lubrification intégré pour augmenter la durabilité et les performances.

4. Construction en matériaux de première qualité :

Les extrudeuses Rumtoo sont construites avec des matériaux de haute qualité pour diverses exigences de processus. Chaque unité est assemblée sur une base de soudage robuste avec des patins de réglage spéciaux et des couvertures en acier inoxydable pour une conservation optimale de la chaleur.

5. Technologie innovante de changement d’écran :

Choisissez parmi une gamme de changeurs d’écran, y compris des modèles à panier, à plaque et continus, pour des opérations ininterrompues.

Vue rapprochée d'une boîte de vitesses dont les composants internes sont exposés. L'image montre l'agencement complexe des engrenages, des arbres et des roulements à l'intérieur du boîtier métallique. Les engrenages sont fabriqués en acier à haute résistance, ce qui est un gage de durabilité et de précision. Ce réducteur est conçu pour des applications industrielles, assurant une transmission efficace de la puissance et réduisant l'usure mécanique. Sa construction robuste et sa conception détaillée soulignent sa fiabilité et sa capacité à supporter des tâches difficiles.

Spécifications du produit :

Modèle Diamètre(mm) Max. L/D Vitesse(tr/min) Puissance(kw) Production(kg/h)RTM 52B 51.4 68 600 55 150~250RTM 65B 62.4 68 600 90 200~350RTM 75B 71.4 68 600 132 400~600RTM 85B 81 68 600 250 600~900RTM 95B 93 68 600 315 800~1200RTM 120B 116 68 500 450 1300~2000RTM 135B 133 68 500 900 2500~4000

Conclusion :

Avec plus de 20 ans d’expertise spécialisée dans la conception et la fabrication de vis, Rumtoo est à l’avant-garde de l’industrie de la technologie d’extrusion. Que vous amélioriez la production dans les secteurs du plastique, de la chimie ou de l’alimentation, nos extrudeuses à double vis en rotation sont conçues pour élever vos capacités opérationnelles.

Renseignez-vous maintenant

Prêt à améliorer vos processus de production ? Contactez Rumtoo aujourd’hui pour en savoir plus sur nos extrudeuses à double vis et comment elles peuvent être adaptées pour répondre à vos besoins spécifiques à l’industrie.

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Directives pour choisir le déchiqueteur idéal pour vos besoins de traitement des déchets

Introduction :

Dans la gestion des déchets, le choix du broyeur correct est crucial pour un traitement et un recyclage efficaces. La bonne machine à broyer peut rationaliser les opérations et maximiser l’utilisation des ressources, que vous traitiez du plastique, des pneus ou des disques durs. Ce guide détaillera les considérations clés lors de la sélection d’un broyeur qui répond à vos besoins spécifiques de traitement des déchets.

The Escalating Crisis of Plastic Pollution: A Call for Urgent Action

The picture shows small, clear plastic pellets arranged in the shape of the universal recycling symbol.


Plastic pollution is an escalating global crisis that correlates directly with the increase in plastic production. Over recent decades, the surge in manufacturing plastics has led to a significant rise in pollution, which now poses severe threats to environmental health and biodiversity.

Growing Production and Its Dire Consequences

The last twenty years have witnessed a doubling in plastic production. Predictions for 2040 suggest that plastics will account for up to 20% of global oil production and consume 15% of the annual carbon budget. The direct result of increased production is more plastic waste. Current trends indicate that plastic waste could triple by 2060, ending up in landfills, rivers, and oceans, severely impacting ecosystems and wildlife.

The Recycling Myth

While manufacturers often promote recycling as the solution to pollution, the reality is starkly different. Our research indicates a 1:1 ratio of production increase to pollution increase. This direct link suggests that more production leads to more bottles and plastic debris in natural habitats. Notably, over half of the branded plastic pollution can be traced back to just 56 companies, with giants like The Coca-Cola Company and PepsiCo among the top contributors.

The Role of Major Corporations

Branded plastic pollution is not a small issue. Our extensive audits across 84 countries have shown that 48% of litter is branded. Surprisingly, only 13 companies account for more than 1% of this branded plastic pollution. These companies predominantly package their products in single-use plastics, which are notoriously difficult to manage and recycle.

The Impact on Consumers and Local Governments

Currently, the responsibility of managing plastic waste predominantly falls on consumers and local governments. This burden involves high costs associated with waste management and rectifying environmental damage. However, many corporate pledges to reduce plastic usage remain unfulfilled, showcasing the ineffectiveness of voluntary commitments.

Proposed Solutions

To combat this issue effectively, limiting plastic production is crucial. This approach involves setting clear targets for the reduction of non-essential and hazardous plastics, investing in alternatives, and redesigning products to decrease the need for new plastics. Implementing producer responsibility schemes could shift financial and managerial responsibilities back to the producers, ensuring they adhere to the “polluter pays” principle.


The challenge extends beyond disposal; it encompasses the entire lifecycle of plastics. Addressing both branded and unbranded plastic waste through better data, accountability, and international cooperation could curb the relentless rise in plastic production and pollution. This decisive action is necessary to protect our planet for future generations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the direct impact of increasing plastic production on pollution? A: For every 1% increase in plastic production, there is a corresponding 1% increase in pollution, leading to more unmanaged waste in our environments.

Q: How significant is the contribution of major companies to plastic pollution? A: Major companies, especially those producing beverages and food, are significant contributors. Over half of all branded plastic waste can be traced back to just 56 companies globally.

Q: What are the proposed solutions to address plastic pollution? A: Key strategies include reducing plastic production, investing in non-plastic alternatives, improving product designs, and implementing producer responsibility schemes to shift the burden back to manufacturers.

What’s the best way to deal with hard-to-recycle plastics?

This image shows a close-up of a person holding a bunch of waste materials, including various plastics, with a waste pile and an industrial facility in the background. It appears to depict an environment related to waste management or recycling, possibly focusing on the handling of mixed or difficult-to-recycle plastics. The facility in the background may be engaged in processing or recycling waste.

Tackling the Challenge of Hard-to-Recycle Plastics

Plastic waste is one of the most pressing environmental issues of our time. While some plastics are easily recyclable, others pose a greater challenge. These hard-to-recycle plastics often end up in landfills or pollute our oceans and ecosystems. So, what’s the best way to deal with these problematic materials? Let’s explore some innovative solutions.

The Gears of Sustainable Plastics Are Starting to Turn

Society has a mixed opinion about plastics, especially in recent years, with increased public attention on plastic pollution. Efforts have been made across the industry value chain to fundamentally take advantage of the benefits of plastics while preventing them from entering the environment. The sustainability of plastics is no longer limited to the industry itself but has also drawn attention from various aspects of society.

Navigating the Cost of Plastic Recycling Machines in 2024

part of a plastic recycling facility. In such a system, the yellow hopper could be used to collect and funnel plastic waste into the machine. The segmented chute would then guide the plastic through various stages of sorting, shredding, washing, and possibly even pelletizing, depending on the complexity of the facility. The grey metal bin might be where the sorted and processed materials are collected before they are moved to the next phase, which could involve further refinement or packaging for transport. The green dumpster on the left could be for non-recyclable waste that is separated out during the process. This setup is essential in the recycling loop, helping to reduce plastic waste by converting it into reusable materials.

In an era where sustainability intersects with technology, recycling companies stand at the forefront of an environmental revolution. Among the challenges they face, the acquisition of plastic recycling machines plays a pivotal role in determining their operational efficacy and environmental impact. As we step into 2024, understanding the nuances of plastic recycling machine prices becomes crucial for these businesses. This guide aims to demystify the cost landscape and offer actionable insights for processing companies looking to make informed decisions.

Plastic Recycling Washing Systems | 2024 State-of-the-Art Solutions

this image depict an industrial plastic recycling washing system or recycling plant. The large machinery with conveyor belts and sorting components is typical of equipment used to wash, sort and process plastic waste materials as part of the plastic recycling process. These systems are designed to efficiently handle large volumes of plastic items or bales, separating them by type, removing contaminants through washing/rinsing stages, and preparing the cleaned plastic materials for further recycling and reprocessing into new plastic products or raw materials. The orange and gray coloring of the machinery is also characteristic of many plastic recycling facilities and systems.

Plastic waste is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing our planet today. With millions of tons of plastic ending up in landfills, oceans, and natural habitats each year, it’s clear that we need to find better ways to manage this problem. One crucial step in the plastic recycling process is washing and cleaning the materials to remove contaminants and impurities. In this article, we’ll explore the state-of-the-art plastic recycling washing systems that are leading the way in creating a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Plastic recycling washing systems are an important part of the plastic recycling process. These systems are designed to clean and remove contaminants from plastic waste materials before they can be effectively recycled and reprocessed into new plastic products.

Here’s an overview of plastic recycling washing systems:

  1. Pre-washing: This initial stage involves sorting and separating different types of plastics, as well as removing large contaminants like metals, paper, or glass. The plastic waste is often shredded or granulated into smaller pieces to facilitate washing.
  2. Washing and scrubbing: The plastic material is fed into a washing system, which typically consists of a series of baths and scrubbing units. These units use a combination of water, detergents, and agitation to remove dirt, labels, adhesives, and other contaminants from the plastic surfaces.
  3. Friction washing: In this process, the plastic particles are subjected to friction by rubbing them against each other or against abrasive surfaces. This helps to remove stubborn contaminants and improve the overall cleanliness of the plastic material.
  4. Rinsing and drying: After the washing and scrubbing stages, the plastic material is rinsed with clean water to remove any remaining detergents or contaminants. The rinsed plastic is then dried, often using centrifugal force or hot air, to prepare it for the next stages of the recycling process.
  5. Flotation and separation: In some cases, a flotation process is used to separate different types of plastics based on their density. The washed plastic particles are introduced into a water bath, and the different plastic types float or sink, allowing for effective separation.

Plastic recycling washing systems play a crucial role in ensuring that the recycled plastic materials are free from contaminants and are suitable for reprocessing into new products. Effective washing and cleaning can improve the quality of the recycled plastic, increase its value, and reduce the environmental impact of plastic waste.

Benefits of State-of-the-Art Plastic Washing Systems

  1. Increased Recycling Efficiency: By effectively removing contaminants, these washing systems help to maximize the quality and value of recycled plastic materials, improving the overall efficiency of the recycling process.
  2. Reduced Environmental Impact: Thorough cleaning of plastic materials before recycling helps to minimize the release of pollutants and contaminants into the environment, contributing to a cleaner and healthier planet.
  3. Higher-Quality Recycled Products: With state-of-the-art washing systems, recyclers can produce recycled plastic materials of the highest quality, suitable for a wide range of applications, from packaging to construction materials.
  4. Increased Sustainability: By enabling more effective and efficient plastic recycling, these advanced washing systems play a crucial role in promoting a circular economy and reducing our reliance on virgin plastic materials.

As we strive to address the global challenge of plastic waste, state-of-the-art plastic recycling washing systems are leading the way in creating a cleaner, more sustainable future. By investing in these cutting-edge technologies, we can unlock the full potential of plastic recycling and make a meaningful impact in protecting our environment for generations to come.

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    Navigating the Complex Web of Global Plastic Waste: A Comprehensive Overview

    Navigating the Complex Web of Global Plastic Waste: A Comprehensive Overview

    In a world grappling with environmental challenges, the issue of global plastic waste has taken centre stage. Every year, nations worldwide produce an astonishing 350 million metric tons of plastic waste. While this number is staggering, what’s even more concerning is that only a fraction of this waste is recycled. In fact, a mere 2% of it is traded internationally.

    A Trommel

    A Trommel


    In the world of recycling, speed isn’t always the key to efficiency. Enter the Trommel, a slow-rotating separation machine that has proven its effectiveness in removing smaller-sized contaminants from various recycling streams. Whether it’s plastic recycling plants or larger Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) dealing with municipal waste, the Trommel is a straightforward yet powerful solution.

    A trommel is a large cylindrical screen that is typically used in the mining industry and waste management. It’s designed to separate materials by size, allowing smaller materials to fall through its screen while larger materials continue to move through the trommel.

    In the context of plastic recycling, a trommel might be used to separate different types and sizes of plastic waste before it’s processed into pellets. The trommel’s rotating action helps to break up clumps of waste and remove any impurities, such as dirt or small bits of metal, that could potentially damage the extrusion or pelletizing machinery.
